Best security systems for apartments.

Moving into a new area and apartment is always a hassle because you are not familiar with your surroundings and everything is new. Your security is always a priority, especially if you are moving in a dodgy area. However, you should be aware that not all landlords and apartment complexes allow the installation of a security system, as this might mean you have to make some major changes in the apartment unit. Well, have you ever thought of installing a security system in your apartment? Then, you came to the right page; come with us and learn more about security systems in apartment complexes and roundabout ways to have a security system if your landlord doesn’t permit it.

Apartment and security systems


Having a home security system can bring a sense of comfort, especially if you live in an apartment complex. It protects you from possible break-ins, package theft and more. Nowadays, home security systems come in all shapes, sizes and models, from cameras in doorbells, alarm systems to security cameras. Can you get a security system for your apartment? The short answer is yes, but you have to be conscientious of your contract and discuss it with your landlord, as in some cases, you need their permission. Since the landlord owns the home they are renting to you; then it might be illegal to have any camera surveillance system inside or outside the home/apartment. You should also be aware that you might not be able to install security systems that need wiring as this can be a breach of your contract.

Security system if your landlord doesn’t allow it

Some landlords don’t allow any security system in the space they are renting as it might affect resale or rent value later down the line. The best option for this is to have wireless security systems that you can easily install yourself. Most of the features that a traditional security system allows can also be found in its wireless brethren. Wireless security systems don’t cause any damage to your rental space, which keeps both you and your landlord happy. Plus, when you move out of that apartment, you can take your security system with you.

wireless security

These are wireless systems that you might consider for your apartment:

    • Indoors camera– they allow you to monitor your home without having to be there, and most wireless camera systems now even grant you access to the live feed of your home via your smartphone.
    • Exterior camera- you have to be careful with this one, as you might invade someone else’s personal space with it; your outdoor security system should be near your door or porch. This allows you to know the coming and going in or around your apartment.

Security systems if your landlord allows it

Most landlords or property managers won’t have any issue with your wanting to install a security system, especially if this ups the property value of that space. Let’s be honest here; a security system will make an apartment look more appealing and safer to any future tenant. This might incentivize your landlord to chip in the purchase and installation of the new security system.


However, you should be prepared to share the code of the security system with your landlord so that they can enter the property without any hiccups. You’ll also have to share the outside feed with them, but you don’t have to share the indoor’s feed because this infringes on your privacy except in the case of a break-in or something significant. Talk with your landlord concerning the indoor security system and negotiate what feed they have access. You should also know the law of your state concerning security systems and what videos and feeds your landlord has access to; this differs from state to state. You could also come up with an agreement where your landlord installs the outdoor security system and you install the indoors one, which cuts the cost for both of you.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell you if you are thinking about installing a security system in your apartment.

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