Research has shown that burglars don’t need much time to steal from you. It may take them a minute or two to break into a house and less than ten minutes inside to get what they were searching for. They are very quick because they already know what they are looking for and where those things are usually kept. You should know that studies have shown that in the ten minutes a burglar spends in a home, the victim suffers more than $2,000 in damage.
We’ve looked at the most common items stolen by burglars, so you know what security precautions you should take. It’s important to know burglars’ motives so you can protect your valuable items. Here are the six most prized items;
1. Cash
This is not surprising because when someone breaks into your home, money is the main motive, and the valuable items they find in their search will be taken along. Even though credit and debit cards are very popular today, most people still swear by cash, especially the elderly, who are often the target of burglars.
Some burglars target your bank account information. Therefore, it is best to keep credit cards, bank details and bank statements in a safe place and out of people’s reach. Some burglars are very smart and can open a fraudulent account in your name or even divert your cash to another account, so better be careful.
2. Jewelry
The saying goes, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” but did you know that it is also a burglar best friend? It will shock you how much jewelry a family can own, from gold watches to ruby earrings… Burglars will take it all if they find your jewelry. Plus, they can easily sell it on the black market for half the actual price.
3. Drugs
Yes, you read that right. Drugs are the third most stolen item. According to studies, more than 20% of homes in the United States store drugs, and most burglars are either looking for drugs or drug money. However, most burglars are often under the influence of drugs themselves before they break into a home.
4. Electronics
Did you know that more than 10% of households in the U.S. own at least 15 electronic devices? A home full of high-tech gadgets ready for the taking is a prime target for burglars. Most of them take phones, laptops, tablets and cameras because they are easier to transport, but the most ambitious burglars also take flat-screen TVs or even desktop computers.
5. Prescription drugs
Stealing prescription drugs is becoming more popular these days, especially for opioid or narcotic abuse, and that’s sad for people who need them to function. So if you’re taking opioid painkillers like Vicodin, don’t be vocal about it because you could be the next target of burglars.
You can fall victim to addicts, but also to dealers, as these pills are very valuable on the street. Be discreet with your prescriptions and medications, even with your family.
6. Clothes
People are spending a lot on their clothes these days. Most Americans spend at least $2000 a year on clothes, if not more. If you are the same size, burglars might wear the clothes they loot from your wardrobe; if not, they will sell them.
It’s important to protect your valuable items because burglars don’t always target money, even if it’s at the top of their list. You may want to store them in a safe, there are now applications on devices that allow you to locate them and invest in security equipment.
Are you surprised by the items listed here? Let us know in the comments below.