Change Your Landscape For Home Safety

You purchased a home security system, installed a doorbell camera, and even bought one of those phony dog speakers for when you’re away from home. However, did you realize that your landscaping can assist in protecting your home?


 We’ve compiled a list of ideas and tactics to assist you in preventing crime before it occurs. All you need is a green thumb and a little elbow grease to get started.


Keep your eyes open.


The ultimate goal is to have a clear line of sight to every part of your property and minimize hiding spots.


Make use of open fences.

Beautiful Home, Garden


Arborvitae rows that are impenetrable may appear to be an excellent way to keep undesirable guests off your property. The issue is that tall shrubs obstruct your view.


To restrict your property lines or establish distinct spaces within your lawn, use an open fence such as a chain-link or iron.


Trim back bushes and trees as needed.


 It’s time to break out the pruning shears. Keep plants, shrubbery, and trees short in front of your windows, so they don’t obscure your eyesight. The idea is for you to see clearly to the street and remove rows of thick plants that trespassers can use to hide.


Particular care should be used with plants near the garage. You don’t want to make areas surrounding the garage entry where people can readily hide.


Make sure your trees don’t obstruct your view of your surroundings. If they do, talk to an arborist about whether trimming is a viable choice.


Use convex mirrors.


Have you ever entered a building or parking garage and gazed up at a convex mirror as you approached a blind intersection? These mirrors can also be used in the home.


Do you want to take a look around the corner before you take a sip of your coffee on the back patio? As you pull into your garage, want to check who’s on the other side of the house? To eliminate these blind spots on your property, use a convex mirror.


 Before you plant, determine the mature size.


 Read the tag on that beautiful flowering bush you saw at the nursery before you buy it. Before you buy, you’ll want to know how big it will get when it’s fully grown. Planting anything taller than 3 feet in front of your window or as part of a hedgerow is not a good idea.


Make sure the door is properly lit.


 We have a separate section on landscape lighting. However, lighting is crucial for front doors (a vital access point). Use a motion sensor light to dissuade people from approaching your main entrance. Install it at least 10 feet off the ground so that no one can damage it when they come close.

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 Make a way with rocks.


 Because windows are an accessible entry point for a potential burglar, it’s up to you to make them unpleasant. Using stones or boulders in front of your windows is one technique to do this. If your flower gardens are close to the windows, an inorganic mulch such as rocks may be required. Potential attackers will be deterred by the noise and slickness of the ground created by the rocks.


Prickly plants


In front of your first-floor windows, plant something thorny. It’s an old tactic, but it’s effective. One caution: make sure the thorny bushes aren’t too tall, so they don’t block your vision.


Outdoor lighting should be installed all over the property.


Your landscape will want some assistance after the sun has set to remain bright and secure. Some people want their entire yard to be illuminated (walkways, stairs, columns, etc.). Others may merely require motion-activated lighting. It is dependent on your requirements and financial constraints.


Professional lighting installation may be worth the investment if you don’t have the time to read up on lighting best practices.


It is important to protect your house, let us know in the comments how do you do protect your home?

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